Very Progressive Beat!
Good Vibes all to the end!
Nicely done!
Very Progressive Beat!
Good Vibes all to the end!
Nicely done!
Nice beat!
reminds me of Scott Pilgrim!
Like, Scott at the arcade!
I didn't notice that before but yeah, does sound a bit like SP in places lol I kinda imagined it being used in a old sidescrolling game for a cutscene or something but wierdly that wasn't the first thing that came to mind, thanks for the review
I think I died 3 times after I realized this was a Sephiroth remix.
Needs Vocal singing for the main instances like the real thing, otherwise, priceless!
I need to find someone to do so, thanks c:
Beautiful, from beginning to end, it had the Resident Evil feel from start to finish very well done!
Capcom will be proud.
Great for amvs for games like:
Megaman Battle Network
El Shaddai - Bike Racing Sequence
Custom Robo
Sin & Punishment - 1 & 2
Sounds like a Resident Evil Mercenaries song!
Great music!
Yeah, it reminds me of a bunch of games.
Kingdom Hearts Series (Fighting Cutscene)
Kingdom Hearts - Birth by Sleep (The Almighty Xi Blade, Ventus vs. Vanitas!) [fake]
Final Fantasy VII - Crisis Core (Attack on SOLDIER, Confronting Angeal, Zack's Resolve) [All fake titles]
Final Fantasy XIII (Ragnarok)
Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon (Marth, take up the Blade, Falchion!) [Made up the song title!]
Dissidia 012 (Main Menu & Cloud's Story Mode)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Climbing Hyrule Castle)
The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword (The Final Battle, Demise!) [Another fake song title!]
Tales of Vesperia (Moment of Truth: Yuri vs. Flynn) [Fake]
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Old Ties, Emil vs. Richter) [Fake]
Megaman Zero 3 (Save our World, Zero, The Final Battle, Zero vs. Dr.Wile!) [Fake]
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Rise, Heroes, Climb the Stairs to Taboo!) [Fake]
Metroid Other M (Escape! Samus's Last Stand, Defeat Mother Brain![again!]) [Fake]
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (The Wind Blows, A Beacon of Hope, Sage Naruto vs. Pein!) [fake]
yeah, they'd be great song titles too!
10 stars btw!
"Outstanding! Ten Stars!"
this impressive song deserves a Metroid collab to it!
Thanks, hopefully one day it will get one.
Nicely done!
This sounds like a song i'd hear in an MMORPG game, or a Namco Tales game!
10 stars!
My game I mentioned in a previous post: M.E.C. is gonna be a Slash & Shoot Fighting 3rd person Adventure!
I look forward to this game you are making!
Age 32, Male
Game Design
Joined on 1/26/09